Many years
ago, when I was a junior programmer, I remember doing a sales presentation to
an important client. This was something that I had worked on for weeks and the
account manager and I really wanted to show this potential client what we could
do. As the client entered the room the computer that we were using failed. Since
this was the days of mainframes, we were left looking at a blank screen. Phone
calls told us that the failure would take a while to fix and we would simply
have to wait whilst others fixed the system – in the meantime the other members
of staff who were present got agitated / annoyed / angry / and abusive, whilst senior
management tried to keep the potential client happy in the other room. Peter,
the account manager, and I were both Christians and so we decided that we would
walk away from where the other were and in the corner of the room where all the
equipment was set up, we decided we would pray – which we quietly did. The
reaction that this caused from the others who saw what we did was, frankly,
awkward. They ranged from laughter, to suggestions that we were not taking
things seriously. Peter and I thought we were taking things seriously, we did
the only thing we could think of to do, and this was what our faith at the time
said was the most serious thing to do.
I don’t know
what your reaction to this story is and whose side you would take if you were
there. It did cause a great deal of comment at the part of Raytheon where we worked,
and we got quite a few positive and negative comments. That said it also seemed
to give other people permission to tell us what they thought about our faith,
and there were many conversations that followed from this – and when Peter got
into trouble with the police it again caused eyebrows to rise.
In more
recent times I ended working very closely with a wonderful colleague and friend
called Irfan Khan who is now a Senior VP at SAP. He is a devout Muslim and the
regular pattern of prayer that is part of their faith became a regular part of both
his and my life in the years we worked together. When we had a lab built for us
in the UK to allow us to spend less time in the office in the US, we insisted
that we had a space allocated for Irfan’s prayer mat, and we made it clear that
at 3:00pm Irfan would be saying prayers and the door would be closed. He and I
discussed our faith’s for hours and hours, both as we worked in the office, and
as we travelled the world together. Of all the people I have met on my faith
journey, Irfan is clearly a person who has had a huge impact on my thinking and
spiritual development, and I will never deny the presence of God at work in
Irfan’s life.
When John
Wesley set up his original bands he had a question to ask the band members “Is it your desire and design to be on this
and all other occasions entirely open, so as to speak everything that is in
your heart, without exception, without disguise, and without reserve?”. In
the material this week there is some discussion of the Church Life Profile that
the writers did that suggests that some people find it “problematic and even offensive to be asked to share what is deepest in
their heart – this is private”, whilst others find it a real “disappointment when they do not feel that
their church is a place where they can talk to other Christians about the
issues they face living out their discipleship in the world”.
Stop for a
moment and consider the following questions before we carry on:
Why do you think many Methodists find it hard to
talk about faith? (Ian extra: do you think that the assumption in this question
is true?)
How satisfied (or not) do you feel with the
conversations about faith that happen around your church?
With whom, and in what contexts, do you in fact
feel most able to open up and share what is closest to your heart? What makes
those people or contexts safe and fruitful for deep conversation?
One of the
reasons that people often feel uncomfortable talking about their Christian
faith is that the terms that we use are foreign to those who we are talking to,
and the concepts that we accept can be subject to ridicule – “what do you mean he rose from the dead? – do
you really believe this?”. Comedians at the moment seem to delight in
pointing out some of the Church’s idiosyncrasies and where we do things that
simply cannot be defended. I would want to argue that the discussion on Woman
Bishops, both in its nature and the way that it has been conducted is a good
example of this.
I have heard
many sermons over the years talk about how as Christians we are called to be
counter cultural, and I would agree, we are. But in accepting this there is a
danger that we also suggest that it is acceptable to be culturally irrelevant –
and here I would argue that we are not. On the night before Calvary, Jesus said
to his disciples “I am giving you these
commands so that you may love one another. If the world hates you, be aware
that it hated me before it hated you. If you belonged to the world, the world
would love you as its own. Because you do not belong to the world, but I have
chosen you out of the world—therefore the world hates you.” (John 15:17).
The fact that there is something different in our lives should be visible to
those around us, and we should accept that some people will talk to us about it
– but in accepting this I do not believe that we should simply treat this as a
license to do things that make no sense. We want people to see that we are
different because of the love that Jesus refers to, and because we stand
against many of the things that the world accepts (greed, self-centredness,
In my
original two examples I think I would now suggest that the first is a classic
case of good intentions leading to something that was pompous and made others
feel uncomfortable, whereas the second is one of the most precious memories
that I have. They were both counter-cultural but the difference was a
sensitivity to others and how they felt – being aware of how others would
understand the actions that were taken. Surely the same applies to all the
things that we do as Christians beyond the boundary of our church buildings –
whether it be what we place on our website, the way we walk through our
community with a donkey, or the things we do in Christ’s name; we are called to
be counter-cultural but we are not called to be irrelevant or frankly, silly.
Our material
this week ends by asking us how much we know about the community that we serve,
and asks whether part of our issue as Christians is that we do not know these
people, their needs, or their ways of working, meaning that any attempt we have
at sharing our faith and being disciples to them are almost certain to fail as
we do not the right way to approach them and/or communicate our faith. Put
simply we do not know how to be Christians in the real world without risking
being or doing something that comes across in the wrong way – and the
suggestion is that this results in us doing and saying nothing.
questions to end:
Who is telling us the truth, and how can we
Are we powerless to influence things?
Who is our neighbour? How can we discern which
community we are called to serve in?
A difficult one this week - not sure where to begin. The quote from John Wesley above: “Is it your desire and design to be on this and all other occasions entirely open, so as to speak everything that is in your heart, without exception, without disguise, and without reserve?”. Wow. That would be lovely, and yes, it would be my desire but I'm afraid the reality is quite different. I think my main fear about being entirely honest and open about my own faith within my own Church is a fear of being judged. I don't particularly have difficulties discussing beliefs and issues but I am much more reluctant to be entirely honest about my own walk in faith and any struggles or difficulties that I may be experiencing. Part of this fear probably just comes from within and is made worse by holding the position of responsibility of Sunday school leader. There is a tendency to think that I should set an example, always appear to be in control and know all the answers. This is probably quite ridiculous - I know that I am very human, far from perfect and certainly a very long way from knowing all the answers. I am, like many other people, stumbling along the route, attempting to find the way, taking many wrong turns but hopefully making overall progress in the right direction. In reality, other people would probably expect this of me and not be too judgemental but it is difficult to be honest.
ReplyDeleteI don't mind discussing non-personal faith things with anybody, really personal faith things, I would tend to reserve for discussion only with close family or friends or one or two people within the church that I have always felt that I could trust - they just seem wise!
I would find it very hard to try to encourage someone else to open up about their faith. If they led the conversation - fine but I would find it difficult to be the one leading them. As a pastoral visitor, I wonder whether I should encourage people to talk to me about how they are getting on spiritually, not just physically or emotionally - the latter two seem far easier than the first and being honest, most people are relatively open about their physical/emotional health but don't really broach their spiritual health. Perhaps this is a reflection of the world at large or, at least, British culture. There is such a fear about religion, being politically correct and not offending anyone that it has just become easier not to discuss it at all.
So, no conclusions to draw at this stage - just a bit of blogging to join the conversation!
When I arrived at Harwood I remember telling people at an evening service how I was a person for whom depression was a part of who I am. It was interesting how by doing that it seemed to give permission to quite a number of people to then share where they were at in terms of their own Mental Health. I suspect that the same would be true if we shared the struggles that we have in our faith. I have total sympathy with the "a person in your role should not . . ." argument, and I have had experience of people who could not cope with a minister who maybe struggles sometimes - one steward at a past church in particular springs to mind. I am not sure what the answer is other than going back to scripture and looking at what Jesus is saying when he places the child in the midst of the group. To his culture children were weak and vulnerable, and it was the responsibility of society as a whole to protect them - Jesus tells his followers to make themselves weak and vulnerable so that we can be alongside the weak and vulnerable of the world. We may face rejection, but maybe by doing this we can change the culture to something that is nearer to what Wesley was talking about - but I think I am aware that this is easily said, and flippin tough to do.
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ReplyDeleteThis weeks discussion was very challenging for me, simply because I'm not sure where I stand on my own relationship with Jesus. How do you communicate something you have not yet got your own grasp on. In addition I would openly admit that I am not good at expressing my own feelings anyway.
ReplyDeleteIn terms of the questions then I do not think that the difficulty in communicating faith is limited to Methodists and to expand on that I think it is wrong to make that as a general statement . There are some methodists who are exceptional at talking about their faith. I think that one of the issues that exists is how relevant some of our church denominations are in todays society, and again this cannot be seen as a generalisation. Some 'traditional' churches are very relevant to today and others ....... I will also openly admit that tradition or sentimentality are not strong points of mine. I see church groups with failing buildings with falling numbers and wonder why aren't they just shut. If something is not fit for purpose then it has no purpose.
If we want to be part of the community then why do we not sell all the buildings and use community buildings for worship. By being in the community and working through the same issues as the community does then we would have a better idea of how to work for the community.